three panels showing a primary school student writing a stack of teaching resources and a disabled learner at a desk

Schools & Colleges

We train your staff to competently deliver our literacy intervention programmes. Teachers will gain the knowledge and tools to teach vital literacy skills, whilst closing the attainment gap and ensuring every student is realising their full potential.

We understand the importance of literacy. With the literacy demands of the curriculum being greater than ever, it’s essential that students are equipped to deal with the reading and vocabulary requirements of the classroom and the exam system.

Lexonik’s refreshing approach champions the ‘whole school’ model, staying focused on sustainable long-term impact.

So, whilst we know discrete interventions have their place in teaching, we go much further, creating a transformation in teacher pedagogy.

We have a range of products designed as a result of many years of active research.

This portfolio of literacy intervention programmes and teacher training delivers effective, consistent solutions, supporting students from age 8 to 80 in accessing the curriculum’s reading, comprehension and vocabulary demands, leading to automaticity and independence.

Check out our case study with Alderbrook School to see how well our programmes work in schools.

Our flagship literacy intervention programme, Lexonik Advance, boasts an average reading age gain of 27 months in just six weeks.

Infographic of Df E home page.

Department for Education Funded Post-16 Programme for FE

We've received an expected 3-year grant from the DfE, helping us to support colleges, their resit learners and FS learners.

Providers of GCSE resits in these regions are eligible for FULLY-FUNDED access to our intervention programmes and continual professional development.

How It Works

  • Post-16 English resit teachers and facilitators are trained to deliver Lexonik's student intervention programmes, namely Lexonik Advance and Lexonik Leap (maximum eight teachers per college)
  • Suite of masterclass PD courses, and live remote training, released periodically, to support in the explicit teaching of reading, vocabulary, grammar and spelling
  • Access to Lexonik Vocabulary - a morphemic analysis tool for the explicit teaching of vocabulary, applicable for all subjects and contexts

Find out how we can help

Literacy intervention programmes for schools and colleges

Schools & Colleges that are already improving literacy with Lexonik

What Schools and Colleges have to say

“The students have enjoyed the programme and results have been nothing short of remarkable. We have seen an average reading age gain of 58 months and Standardised Score gain of 26 points.”
George Massey, Staffordshire University Academy
"The results really have been quite phenomenal, and the confidence and resilience this has built in our students is something we could never have expected"
Alexandra Forsyth, Northern Education Trust
"One of OFSTED's key findings in our November 2015 inspection was that 'Teachers pay meticulous attention to improving pupils' literacy skills' and that 'development of pupils' key literacy skills, including reading, is impressive."
Ian Jones