Case Study
· UK · Schools & Colleges

‘Amazing’ Improvement in Knowledge and Confidence

Melior Academy

Based in Scunthorpe, Melior Community Academy provides a broad curriculum to children aged between 11 and 16.

It is proud of its commitment in supporting SEND students, and has for a long time regarded interventions as a necessary approach to ensuring the needs of all students can be appropriately met.

We’ve been catching up with Allison Peden, the school’s LRC Manager.


Melior is no stranger to adopting interventions where it needs to, Allison. What made you want to seek out something like Lexonik?

That’s very true.

We have a number of students who are struggling readers, and yes, many already have interventions based on their particular needs.

But, we recognised that some of these interventions just weren’t appropriate for ‘middle ability students’.

That’s what made us begin the search for something else.

How did you find yourself stumbling upon Lexonik?

We spent a lot of time and effort researching online and comparing various interventions.

We knew we wanted something which targeted higher ability students, but which would also be fun and engaging – not something which appeared patronising and childish.

What was it that ‘sold’ to you the idea of Lexonik Advance as a solution?

Looking at the reviews online, we could quickly see how greatly people valued the programme and how it had benefited schools which were in a similar situation.

Anything else which felt unique or particularly significant about the Lexonik solution over others?

That it offered maximum impact and minimum disruption.

Knowing that we were likely to see a big impact in just six weeks was a huge selling point.

How did implementation take place?

Initially we focussed on year 11 students, but after seeing the improvement the students made and how quickly, we rolled it out to other year groups.

That’s great to hear.

How ‘on board’ was everyone at the school about the intervention – including teaching and support staff, but also parents and students?

After the initial training we felt excited to be given the opportunity to deliver the intervention.

At first the students were a little apprehensive but soon engaged when they realised how fun it was and how much they were learning.

How many staff did you train?

We had 4 members of staff trained initially, and then trained other staff members when someone left and a vacancy was created.

Let’s talk results. What have you seen so far?

The improvement in both knowledge and confidence is amazing.

Approximately read age gains.
48 Months

Wow. Congratulations.

We love to hear about an uplift of that level.

How have you found the ongoing support of Lexonik?

The staff are always quick to respond to any issues that arises. We’ve been very happy.

What’s next? Do you have further plans with Lexonik?

We have started delivering Lexonik Leap to our struggling readers to help improve their phonic knowledge.

What would you say to any school leader considering Lexonik?

‘Invest in the programme as you and your students will be amazed at the progress they make’.

For more information about Melior, you can go to

If you’d like to find out how you could be seeing similar results for your school, please get in touch.