Free Teaching Resources

Vocabulary Detectives Challenge - How many subjects?

‘How Many Subjects?’ is a free resource from Lexonik that asks learners and educators alike to think about affixes in the context of whole-school literacy. You will receive 6 worksheets with a prefix, suffix or word stem listed, and then be asked how many subjects you can link each affix to, by coming up with words that subject uses.

A learner may receive the prefix “bio” for example. They could then link that prefix to science with “biology”, geography with “biome” and English with “biography”. A true vocabulary detective can use, explore and understand words in contexts across the curriculum. Use this vocabulary detective challenge to discuss where words could be used across the school and how they might have slight differences depending upon the context.

We also have a video to accompany this resource that you can see below.

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Listen to our Vocabulary Detectives Podcast here:

Visit our YouTube playlist for the videos to accompany these activities.

Free Teaching Resources compressed – Vocabulary Detectives Challenge - How many subjects?

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