Literacy Intervention Programs

Lexonik Professional Development

A district wide, evidence-based literacy professional development program

Lexonik Develop’s eLearning professional development program spans three teacher-created courses, designed to support all educators with effective, classroom literacy interventions and all adults with the skills to reinforce literacy at home. 

Included in the program is Lexonik’s cloud-based resource, Lexonik Vocabulary. This strategic resource supports subject specific teaching of vocabulary across the curriculum. It enables school-wide implementation of literacy teaching, and is backed up by a vast bank of resources and activities. 

From the team who brought you Lexonik Advance, delivering proven average reading age gains of 27 months in just six weeks, this new district-wide literacy plan is centered on empowering teachers to create maximum impact – fast, improving literacy across the whole-district.

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infographic of a father and son reading

Parental and Family Engagement

Lexonik Develop bridges the gap between classroom practice and the home, through parental and family access to the program. 

Districts will be equipped with parental guided engagement support alongside parents and family access to the educator PD, upskilling families in the practices of the classroom. 

ESSA and Title I compliance is EASY with Lexonik Develop.

Infographic of an American man teaching phonics to children.

What are the benefits of the program?

  • Rapid student improvement from the team who brought you Lexonik Advance and its 27+ months reading age gains in just 6 weeks
  • Satisfies ESE & Reading Certification Requirements
  • ESSA & Title I Parent and Family Engagement - Parent access with guided engagement support 
  • Seamless IT integration
  • Fully resourced, allowing for independent or group study
  • Recall activities, knowledge checks and interactive quizzes
  • Bolsters teacher confidence of vocabulary teaching
  • Unburden district resources and time
Infographic signifies 3 images of American children and families, reading and learning.

What are the Professional Development Courses?

Lexonik Develop U.S. radically enhances classroom practices, giving all school-and-college-based adults the scope to become a powerful change in their learners' lives. 

Our literacy interventions equip all stakeholders and educators with the foundation knowledge to build students' oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary and reading comprehension.

Each PD course includes video and audio content to support your engagement, plus knowledge check and recall activities to help learning ‘stick’, as well as interactive quizzes to help highlight progress throughout the learning journey.

Lexonik Develop offers educators 20+ hours of literacy instruction covering:

Infographic of US Districts and Higher Education Vocabulary including online learning.

The Explicit Teaching of Vocabulary

This eLearning professional development course explores a practical methodology for the explicit teaching of vocabulary. 

This versatile and adaptable approach is one that can be embedded into any subject and curriculum area. Boosting student achievement across the board with a whole-district solution. 

Embedding your educators in the teaching of vocabulary is useful regardless of the subject they teach. As being able to break down the complicated verbiage of mathematics, geography, science and more is essential for making sure learners fully grasp the ideas they are being presented with. 

Infographic of US Districts and Higher Education Dyslexia.

Effective Strategies for Learners with Dyslexia

This eLearning professional development course offers delegates a greater insight into dyslexia and other barriers to learning as well as ways to overcome them, drawn from the most rigorous and respected research in the field. This evidence based PD course is designed to prepare your educators to teach students with dyslexia. Helping them with their needs while ensuring the rest of the class get quality literacy instruction as well.  

Course objectives are:

  • Dyslexia explained
    • Understand the general characteristics of dyslexia
    • Dispel common myths
  • Phonological awareness
    • Recognize phonological difficulties and effective strategies to overcome them
  • Memory
    • Understand the need for repetition and retrieval practices to enhance learning
  • Vocabulary
    • Recognize how the lack of vocabulary is a key barrier to the learning process
  • How to help
    • Learn effective approaches to help students with dyslexia
    • Explore powerful learning strategies suitable for all ages
Infographic of US Districts and Higher Education Phonics for secondary

Phonics at Secondary

This eLearning professional development course is aimed at secondary educators and explores a practical approach to support vulnerable readers in the classroom and at the point of need. Specialized, targeted, and evidenced based professional development is needed in order to up-skill teachers and get learners caught up quickly. That's why Phonics at Secondary is a vital PD, it will equip participants with strategies to support a vulnerable reader and give educators the freedom to work at their own pace. 

The course objectives are:

  • An overview of the term phonics and its terminology
  • What phonics instruction looks like post-elementary
  • How you can best support a learner with phonics instruction within the context of your lesson
  • The benefits phonics instruction will have for not only the students but for you and your subject teaching

Interested in our literacy courses?

Please complete our online form, and we'll be in touch.